Cross Atlantic Network on System Integration

CANSI is gathering some of the strongest research institutions from the US and Denmark to identify challenges for the green transition within renewable energy, transmission and system integration and identify areas of collaboration based on climate goals and state of the art knowledge.

During 2023 and 2024 CANSI will offer webinars and seminars in the US and Denmark aimed for researchers, startups, corporates, policy makers and key opinion leaders.

Events will be announced on this page.


CANSI is a network of leading research institutions in the US and Denmark which aims to  tackle challenges that hinder the green transition and ensure an optimal integration of renewable energy  into the energy grid by​:

  1. Identifying challenges through research collaboration,​
  2. Building a consortium that links academia and industry,​
  3. Applying for a project that work on tackling one or more of these challenges in the coming years,​
  4. Supporting the signed MoU between Denmark and the US on clean energy research and science collaboration.


The future of low-carbon societies calls for fundamental changes of the energy system as we know it today, in order to enable it to integrate higher shares of renewable energy (RE) into the power grid.

An efficient implementation of a low-carbon society calls for a system where demand follows production, however, RE does not provide a stable or reliable production of energy. Instead, it fluctuates in peak times and output, which is problematic for our current energy grids and energy consumption that are not designed to handle these variations. Thus, it is critical to tackle the challenges related to integrating RE in our energy grids in order to support the transition to low-carbon societies.

CANSI is a network of researchers from top US and DK universities that work together to face some of green transition’s biggest challenges – electrification and the integration of renewable energy. ​We will strengthen collaboration between the Danish and American partners while investigating, evaluating, and mapping out some of the challenges for a large-scale expansion of RE so that we can identify the most pressing challenges and ensure that they are tackled.

White papers

During the project, the group will jointly produce 4 discussion papers under the following themes.

Under preparation, expected completion Q1 2024
#1 – Overall framework paper (Overall comparison between US and EU on energy usage and system integration)
#2 – Low frequency, system integration, flexibility, and transmission

Future white papers
#3 – Integrating OSW/renewable energy and Power-to-X
#4 – Framework condition, regulatory aspects, and policy


From 2020 to 2022, several partners within the CANSI-network have come together to organize multiple online events: ​

Click to watch the recorded sessions:

It was based on these activities that we decided to create a consortium, which would include both old and new friends, and apply for a project that would focus on the exact theme we had spent the last two years working on – the integration of renewable energy.​

We wish to identify challenges that hinder the green transition and, ultimately, build a consortium that will tackle one or more of these challenges in the coming years.



Technical University of Denmark

Energy Cluster Denmark

Innovation Centre Denmark in Boston

Aalborg University


Dartmouth College

Johns Hopkins University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tufts University

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Vermont

Financed by

Global Innovation Network Programme (GINP)


Start: February 2023

End: September 2024

Contact person in Denmark
Contact person in the US