SkyClean 2MW


The SkyClean technology combines biofuel production and carbon capture and storage. It is an integrated solution to three major climate change challenges on a global scale: reducing greenhouse emissions from agriculture, carbon storage, carbon-neutral fuels for transportation.


The core of SkyClean is a pyrolysis process where organic waste from agriculture and forestry is converted to biochar, gas, and biooil by heating it to a high temperature in an oxygen free environment. The goal is to de-risk the technology sufficiently to make the final investment decision for the first full scale plant. This is achieved though development, test, and optimization of the SkyClean system on the existing 0,2 MW pilot plant at DTU and a 2 MW process demonstration plant at GreenLab. Based on this, the 2 MW plant i Skive will be rebuild so that it can continuarly produce biochar and biooil.


If all the straw, manure and biogas residue currently available for energy production was used SkyClean has the potential to produce 30 PJ bio-oil and 30 PJ of syngas pr. year. This would reduce Denmark’s CO2 emissions with 11,3 million tonnes pr. year or 25% of Denmark’s total current emissions. 5.8 million tonnes of these are CO2 sequestration with biochar. Fulfilling this potential, or a part of it, would result in a very significant turnover and employment increase.

Problem owner


Problem solvers

DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Dansk Gasteknisk Center



Arla Food amba

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: September 2021
End: September 2025

EUDP-funding: DKK 23 million
Total budget: DKK 36.4 million

Contact person

Christian Munk Jensen

Christian Munk Jensen
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 5055 2606