

Fuel cells convert hydrogen into sustainable forms of energy with several uses such as storage of energy or energy for long-distance transport. However, the process in fuel cells is not efficient enough in relation to the costs. that liquid must flow through some specific channel plates in the conversion of hydrogen into other forms of energy. The surface structure of the plates must be very detailed to achieve high energy efficiency, but it is costly to produce detailed surface structure, so fuel cells have only limited applications.


The project will help to improve energy efficiency in relation to the cost of using fuel cells. The project will test surface structures with lower detail richness to investigate whether there is a combination of surface structure and manufacturing costs that make fuel cells more competitive. The testing takes place in both computer simulations and physical experiments.

The project will also map the overall production process of fuel cells and the components it contains, in order to identify potential opportunities to strengthen energy efficiency in relation to production costs.


The project will lead to efficient but cheaper production methods of the duct plates which can help to make fuel cells more competitive. And the project will also identify other options for improving the relationship between energy efficiency and the cost of producing fuel cells.

Problem owner

Problem solvers

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: Marts 2021
Slut: December 2021
Funding: DKK 2.852.500,00

Contact person

Bjarke Koldsø Mortensen

Bjarke Koldsø Mortensen
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 3151 8750