Power2NextTest – Hydrogen refuelling stations


Hydrogen refuelling stations play an important role in kick-starting the market for green hydrogen, with a particular focus on solutions for heavy vehicles, including buses and trucks. Danish companies are frontrunners in the production and operation of hydrogen refuelling stations for the transport sector. The PtX infrastructure of the future is under construction in Denmark now and the focus is on hydrogen for heavy transport. The Danish Safety Technology Authority, which is the authority within legal metrology, prepares rules for the authorisation and continuous control of hydrogen filling stations. There is a need for Danish test infrastructure to be able to implement the rules in practice.


The purpose of the project is to establish a unique Danish test infrastructure that provides manufacturers and operators of hydrogen filling stations with Danish and international market access for their innovative PtX solutions. It will ensure compliance with metrological regulatory requirements in connection with trade in hydrogen, and socially increase consumer safety, so that it is on a par with current rules for traditional petrol stations.

FORCE Technology wants to establish a mobile test rig for type approval and verification of hydrogen filling stations. The test equipment is a reference system that will establish metrological traceability to the basic SI units. This test rig is used for the calibration of hydrogen flow meters as part of the required tests for type approval and verification in relation to type approval and verification. It is designed as a trailer-based mobile solution that enables testing at manufacturers’ sites and at commissioned hydrogen filling stations. As these hydrogen filling stations weigh many tonnes, an on-site testing solution is necessary.


Heavy-duty vehicles contribute 28% of the emissions from road transport in Denmark today. The full reduction potential is 2 mio. Tonnes CO2e.


FORCE Technology

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Contact person

Hans Jørgen Brodersen

Hans Jørgen Brodersen
Senior Project Manager
Tlf: +45 2688 0228