Power2NextTest – R&D Platform for CCUS technologies


It is necessary to further develop, scale and optimise CCUS technologies to fit into the flexible energy system of the future. A crucial step is to test CCUS technologies on realistic CO2 sources under industrialised conditions.


The project builds a pilot plant (50-100 kW) for testing innovative CCUS technologies with a focus on further development and pilot scale testing. The project is linked to the project “Development of flexible CCUS technologies”, which will be the first test case for the plant.

The pilot plant will also be integrated with the virtual “hardware in the loop” laboratory EnergyFlexLab, reflecting the complex interactions between production, storage and consumption of energy.

Danish Technological Institute is building a pilot plant with the following main elements

– CO2 source – biomass combustion (wood, straw, biomass residues) 50-100 kW

– CO2 capture plant – (100-200 m3/h flue gas with 8-12% CO2)

– CO2 purification and compression

– Platform to connect utilisation technologies


The CCUS test platform at the Danish Technological Institute will primarily be included in national and European research and development projects in the first 3-5 years. When the technologies have become more mature, the facility will also form the basis for commercial services related to testing and optimisation of CCUS technologies.


Danish Technological Institute

Financed by

Contact person

Hans Jørgen Brodersen

Hans Jørgen Brodersen
Senior Project Manager
Tlf: +45 2688 0228