Danish-Brazilian Value Chain Collaboration Creates Potential for Triple-Digit Million Turnover

22. November 2023

A tidy million turnover in 2024 and a long-term potential of up to 500 million Danish kroner.

These are some of the perspectives of introducing large and small Danish wind energy companies to potential customers and partners from both the private and public sectors in Brazil.

Through INNOWIND Denmark & Brazil, a 15-month value chain program funded by the Danish Energy Agency designed to foster connections between Danish and Brazilian energy players, 11 different activities involving over 40 Danish companies have been conducted.

It has paid off.

In the Danish Energy Agency’s final report and evaluation of the value chain program, it is highlighted that in addition to significant attention from both the private and public sectors in Brazil, the groundwork has been laid for more:

“The project has also laid the foundation for promising collaborations and a potential turnover of over 3 million Danish kroner in 2024 and a long-term potential of more than 500 million kroner through the initiation of six potential collaborations and other promising leads,” as stated in the report.

New relationships and concrete projects

The positive evaluation in the final report is based on specific feedback received from the more than 40 Danish companies that participated in the 11 different activities during the project period.

Due to business confidentiality, the evaluations of the companies are not disclosed. However, common among them is that the participating Danish companies, through matchmaking and networking meetings, have gained access to potential business partners and key figures in the public sector. These gains are elaborated upon by two of the participating companies.

“It was extremely useful to learn about the state of affairs in Brazil regarding on- and offshore wind, and I hope to continue building relationships with the individuals I met as we develop more ways to bring DAFA’s products to the forefront of the Brazilian wind market,” says Clayton Usher, Key Account Manager at DAFA.

Antonio Felipe Silva, Business Development Manager at EIVA, echoed a similar sentiment:

“The INNOWIND Brazil & Denmark project helped us understand major market developments and technological opportunities in the Brazilian offshore wind market. The project greatly supports our expansion strategy and has led to the development of concrete business and R&D project opportunities in the Brazilian market through matchmaking with public and private stakeholders in São Paulo and the northeastern regions of Brazil,” he says.

“Without Energy Cluster Denmark’s support in creating this innovative collaboration platform for supply chain development, we would not have been able to identify these opportunities on our own.”

Project Director Christian Boysen from Energy Cluster Denmark welcomes this feedback:

“When we, as a cluster, contribute to qualified matchmaking in new markets and help build new value chains, we spread Danish innovation to new contacts, which is beneficial for both large companies and particularly smaller Danish companies. It’s gratifying to see that the report confirms the benefits,” he says.

Read Ramboll’s report on opportunities for the entire Danish supply chain in offshore wind.