Denmark is at the forefront of the green transition and at the same time one of the most digitised countries in the world. The two positions of strength are now combined in a strategic collaboration, which will speed up the digital transformation of the energy sector.
If Denmark is able to establish itself as a leading nation for a digital energy supply, then there are both significant energy efficiency improvements in store and new markets to conquer.
“Increased digitalisation could significantly lift and develop the energy sector”, says Glenda Napier, CEO of Energy Cluster Denmark, who is now initiating a collaboration with DigitalLead, the national digital technologies cluster:
“Denmark is doing good when it comes to creating a unified, coherent energy system where the entire value chain from production to distribution and consumption of energy is connected. If we can make greater use of the data in the energy system to create flexible and efficient energy consumption, then this will lead to new commercial business opportunities. Therefore, it is obvious that we work together to make two significant Danish positions of strength even stronger”, she says.
In its 2030 plan “Back to the Future”, Dansk Industri outlines that Danish companies and households have an energy efficiency potential in final energy consumption of up to 33% by 2030 and up to 45% by 2050.
There is a potential to be exploited, emphasizes CEO of DigitalLead, Carolina Benjaminsen:
“In order to reduce energy consumption by a third by 2030, it is imperative that we play digital energy efficiency strongly on the field. A well thought-out digitisation of the entire energy sector brings benefits for energy producers, utilities, consumers and the digital industry. At the same time, society and the climate benefit from increased digitalization ensuring less energy consumption and better use of sustainable energy”, says Carolina Benjaminsen.
That is precisely why the two cluster organisations have set out to take the digital energy agenda through strategic cooperation. Among other things, it will result in several joint digitization events and a hackaton in collaboration with Energinet.
“When we unite 800 member companies from two positions of strength on a common challenge, we get to where the actual innovations happen much faster,” says Carolina Benjaminsen.
Glenda Napier supplements:
“Further digitisation of the Danish energy sector opens up a fantastic opportunity to turn a unified, digitised energy system into a new Danish export adventure that will really benefit the climate accounts,” she says.