Note: We have chosen to postpone the event due to COVID-19. When a new date is in place, it will be published on our website, and if you have already signed up for the network, you will receive an email with further information about this.
The first meeting will be held at the consulting company Rambøll, Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 Copenhagen S between 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Rambøll is a leading global engineering, architectural and consulting company founded in Denmark in 1945. Today, the company employs more than 16,500 people within the areas of: Construction, transport, environment, water, energy, and management consulting.
The topics of the day
The topics of the first networking event will be:
About the network
More and more people are using FIDIC contracts, both nationally and internationally. With this network, we will therefore focus on the pitfalls and opportunities that exist within FIDIC and create a forum for professional sparring and dialogue across players in the construction industry, both on- and offshore.
You can read more about the network here
Join the network and sign up for the first event
Would you like to be part of the network and participate in the first event?
Then sign up by sending an email to no later than Tuesday, 17 November 2020.
You will receive an email confirming your participation.
We look forward to seeing you.
Best regards
HjulmandKaptain’s FIDIC Network
Note: The network meeting is converted to a webinar or the like if the situation with COVID-19 does not allow for a physical meeting.