Energy Cluster Denmark is now adding six newly created innovation networks to its membership benefits.
The six innovation networks are exclusively reserved for members of Energy Cluster Denmark. Participation is free of charge – and it’s even possible to participate in multiple innovation networks.
The innovation networks consist of afternoon meetings at a location of a member where companies, knowledge institutions and other members of Energy Cluster Denmark meet four times a year to knowledge within innovation, technology development and latest research in a number of energy technology areas.
Innovation networks have been set up in six energy technology areas. Click on the network to read more, just as you can also sign up. We look forward to seeing you!
The innovation networks meet four times a year, starting in January 2022. The meetings are held at members’ meetings and can be all over the country.
The meeting has a fixed agenda and runs between 14:00 and 16:30:
Each innovation network may decide to adapt the agenda as needed.
Join the innovation network group(s) you want to join, then by November 1, 2021. Then we will let you know the time and place once the groups have been established.