New advisory board for small businesses

31. January 2023

Do you work in a small or medium-sized company – and do you want to influence what Energy Cluster Denmark offers you and your company colleagues in the energy cluster?

To further strengthen the commitment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Energy Cluster Denmark is now establishing a new advisory board for small businesses in 2023 – and you can join us and give us input.

The new advisory board for SMEs is your opportunity to influence the energy cluster’s offer of innovation, events, communication and much more. The new advisory board will hold two meetings a year, where you can contribute with suggestions on how Energy Cluster Denmark can make it even better for SMEs to be part of Denmark’s energy cluster.

You must be a member of Energy Cluster Denmark to participate.

If you are interested in being part of the new advisory board for SMEs, please send an email no later than 1 March 2023. Write briefly about your motivation for participating. Send your e-mail to Mona Madsen, PA,