We have come a long way with the green transition, and now it is starting to come to a head. If we are to achieve the goal of a 70 percent reduction by 2030, then we must find the new technologies and innovative solutions that enable us to supply even more sectors with green energy. It’s an equation with an X – Power to X!
An equation is about finding the value of the unknown X using the things one knows.
Right now, one of the most pressing equations in the national climate task is to find the X that is missing so that we can solve our ambitions of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stop climate change.
We know the goal, and we know some of the path towards it. We know that we want a 70 percent reduction in our CO2 emissions by 2030, and we know that it is renewable energy that will get us there. As a formula, the climate challenge we face with our Danish climate ambition can be rendered as: wind + X = 70 percent reduction.
We have already reached far. Many intermediate calculations and partial results have been created. Good choices have been made that have solved much of the equation so far. For example, integration of wind into the electricity grid.
It has not been easy, which you can see for yourself by looking at how difficult it is for other countries to get wind integrated. However: We are at that part of the equation where it is really coming to a head. It is now that we must put the turbo on innovation in order to succeed.
The gains to be had are waiting
The next big gains lie in sector coupling the green energy. To pour sunshine on the car, bunker the ship with wave energy and put wind energy into storage. We must be able to use the green energy in several places, and we must make sure that we utilise the necessary energy better if we are to achieve our goals,
e.g., by heating the house with the surplus heat from supermarkets, which Danfoss, Coop, Dansk Fjernvarme, and several other players in Energy Cluster Denmark’s innovation project “Super Supermarket” have developed a calculation model for.
Whether it’s the sun and waves for electro fuels or wind turbine wind stored in stone bunkers, Power to X is very much what the arrow points to. We know the potential, and we broadly know the technology that will make it possible to produce green fuels to meet the needs of industry and transportation with Power to X.
However: We must go up in scale and down in price if it is to be realistic to reach the goal of a green alternative to bunker oil and gas, and that requires innovation, new knowledge, co-creation and common inspiration across sectors and industries.
Against this background, it is very encouraging to note the great interest in the Power to X potential – most recently for the virtual conference on Power 2 X, which the engineering association IDA and Energy Cluster Denmark had arranged, and which has had around 400 participants.
There is plenty of interest. It will be more difficult to solve the task from now on, and it requires both ingenious minds and an innovative mindset to take the task from the future horizon to present reality.
But it will also be a lot better to reach the goal. Because when we assume control of our X, it will enable us both to reach 70 percent tomorrow and reach a fossil-free society in 2050.