The Partnership for Wave Power


The aim of this project is to further develop a Danish partnership for wave power; a unifying and coordinating forum for all actors and stakeholders, as well as an advisory body made up of potential suppliers with experience from relevant industries. The former advisory board is now the Partnership for Wave Power. The strategy is to create unified messaging for Danish wave power, a coordinating body, and a common meeting point.

Challenge idea

The project’s perspective is towards identifying and creating a forum that brings together entrepreneurs, developers, and suppliers who are actively involved in Danish wave energy projects. This must include ensuring that the learning that takes place in other projects is shared as broadly as possible in order for the effect of each supported project to benefit society through other projects as well, such as by sharing experiences with anchoring.

The goal is to launch innovation projects and knowledge bridge-building activities that will result in EUPD applications for new product developments and workshops in wave energy. In addition, the knowledge bridge project will contribute to strengthening DanWEC, the Danish testing centre for wave power.

Problem solvers

  • Wave Dragon
  • DanWec
  • Rambøll Danmark A/S
  • Aalborg Universitet
  • jolTech ApS
  • Crestwing ApS
  • LEANCON Wave Energy
  • Floating Power Plant
  • Thy-Mors Energi
  • Bølgekraftforeningen
  • Wavepiston A/S
  • Energistyrelsen
  • DHI
  • Thisted Kommune
  • OctoMar APS
  • Exowave ApS
  • Faatek ApS WPP
  • WavePlane A/S

Financed by


Start: November 2019
End: December 2020
Grant: DKK 576.000

Contact person

Helene Urth

Helene Urth
Project Director International
Tlf: +45 5389 3581