
New salt-based heat storage batteries which are charged by solar heat for use in hobs in developing countries. The heating coil can be charged/heated and then, within a day or two, used for cooking. Charging is done automatically on Heliac’s solar heating units.


Design and construction of solar-charged heating coil based on salt-melted phase change for use in hobs in 3rd world countries.

Solution idea

The purpose of SunCook is to demonstrate this in practice by setting up a solar heating unit at DTU, where both charging, the ability to retain heat when the unit is not in use and cooking can be tested. Demonstration of this in practice will be crucial in order to be able to commercialise the concept through aid organisations and local businesses. It is possible that additional funding will be needed in the project for testing and demonstration.

Project deliverables

The project works on both design and construction of modified solar collectors as well as optimisation of heating coil. The work is based on an existing technology for the production of district heating and industrial process heat.

Problem owner

Problem solvers

This project is financed by Energy Cluster Denmark’s Technology, Innovation, Environment, and Energy (TIME, from the Danish initials) support programme. It offers three years of support to allow small- and medium-sized businesses to collaboratively develop innovative electronic products focused on energy optimisation. The TIME project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: November 2019
End: December 2022
Grant: DKK 3.126.000

Contact person

Peter Munch Kofoed

Peter Munch Kofoed
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 3153 2597