InnoNet: Udvikling af vind & sol #1

28. maj 2024 – 9:00 – 11:00

Opdatering på industrisamarbejdet WIS imellem Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy og Vestas.

Bemærk venligst at dette møde foregår på engelsk
Dato: tirsdag d. 28.maj 2024 kl. 09.00 — 11:00

Sted: ONLINE — via Teams, mødeindkaldelse tilgår dagen før eventet (når du er tilmeldt).

Building on the experience of past successful industry cooperations producing everything from lifting guidelines and Reference Designation Standards to Blade Material Passports; Energy Cluster Denmark has brought Siemens Gamesa and Vestas together in a new partnership — this time focused on equipment standardization.

The purpose of the collaboration is to make wind more cost- and resource efficient and speed up the green transition and lower the cost of energy for consumers. The wind industry has a long history of breaking new ground and has been on a long journey towards maturity. A next, natural step will be to transfer the ownership of transport and installation equipment to logistics specialists.

To enable this, development of common requirements, relevant designs/prototypes and a joint interpretation of various industry standards throughout the industry is key. This will enable suppliers to opt to employ the developed, standardized solutions regardless of whether they have been involved in the development.

Initially, the project will focus on standardizing tools and equipment so they can be used across projects and OEMu2019s, such as sea fastening. Longer term, other areas could also be standardized.

Join us online on the 28/5 and get the latest update on the three ongoing projects and share your thoughts on what has the largest potential for future projects in between Siemens Gamesa, Vestas and other interested parties.


09.00 – 09.15
Introduction by Christian Munk Jensen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark

09.15 – 09.35
Sea Fastening by Aleksander Borczyk, Installation Vessel Specialist, SGRE

09.35 – 09.55
Tower Transport Equipment by Bo Damsted, Head of Business Transformation, Vestas

09.55 – 10.15
Tower Stand by Michel Rouka, Senior Project Manger, SGRE

10.15 – 11.00
General discussion