Webinar: Sensitivity of gas flare detection and quantification in the water column to variations in multibeam acquisition parameters

28. oktober 2024 – 10:00 – 11:00 Online

Multibeam echosounders are recognized as some of the most effective and sensitive tools for detecting and quantifying underwater gas leaks and tracking gas bubble movement through the water column. This capability is crucial for various applications, including investigation of natural seeps, monitoring of oil and gas industry operations, and not the least, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) sites which are currently being developed in many sectors of the North Sea.

Accurately detecting and quantifying gas bubbles is influenced by various factors, including acquisition parameters (such as multibeam frequency, angular distance from the seep site, beam swath angle, and ship speed) and gas flare parameters (including gas release intensity, bubble size and shape distribution, bubble rise velocity, and water depth).

One of the main objectives of the TRIMON project has been to systematically investigate the influence of acquisition and gas bubble parameters on recorded multibeam data. We have done this by conducting controlled experiments with a gas bubble source placed on the seabed.

In this webinar we will elaborate our findings from the experiments and the implications of the results for multibeam survey design in relation to gas detection and gas monitoring campaigns.

The program for the webinar is as follows:

  • Background for the TRIMON project
  • Controlled experiments — results and implications
  • Applications in relation to new survey technologies


  • Katrine Juul Andresen, Project Manager, Associate Professor, Aarhus University
  • Sunny Singhroha, Senior Researcher, GEUS
  • NN, Researcher, EIVA
