The Flexible Integration of Renewable Energy (FIRE) project will explore the possibilities of integrating even more renewable energy into the energy system without compromising security of supply. The partner network will uncover the possibilities for flexibility; e.g., flexible energy production, energy storage, sector switching, and flexible consumption. This project concerns not only the development of business concepts and implementation of technical solutions, but also identification of barriers and opportunities for commercialisation of solutions on the market.


Fluctuating energy production from wind and solar is one of the major challenges on the path to an energy system based on renewable energy. As more renewable energy will be integrated in the future, the effect of fluctuating production will increase significantly. This poses a challenge to both security of supply and the stability of energy supply.

Solution idea

The FIRE project will explore the possibilities of integrating even more renewable energy into the energy system without compromising security of supply. The partner network will uncover the possibilities for flexibility; e.g., flexible energy production, energy storage, sector switching, and flexible consumption. This project concerns not only the development of business concepts and implementation of technical solutions, but also identification of barriers and opportunities for commercialisation of solutions on the market.

Project deliverables

An algorithm for increased integration of RE in the balance market through the purchase/sale of flexibility services from RE

Problem owners

Problem solvers

Press clip about FIRE

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: September 2019
End: December 2023
Grant: DKK 2.120.000

Contact person

Bjarke Koldsø Mortensen

Bjarke Koldsø Mortensen
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 3151 8750